Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hello World!

This is my website for all family and friends who want to know what I’m doing while in Ecuador in spring 2012. I will try to update this once a week and put photos on here as often as possible, but no promises. I am told for the first week I am gone, I will not have many communication possibilities. I was also told I may not have any internet access outside of campus. I will be staying busy with classes and, what seems like, a trip somewhere every weekend.
I am very excited for this once in a lifetime experience and am ready to go!-mentally, not physically...I still have to finish packing. (I leave January 8th) I will admit I am a little nervous because it is a very different culture from ours, but I still look forward to learning a lot. I have learned a few things about this new culture, mostly do's and don'ts. I just heard a little bit about my new family for the semester and I'm very anxious to meet them-and to have a younger sibling for once.
For all of my overprotective friends and family: Yes, I WILL STAY OUT OF TROUBLE! :)